1 Get OUT OF MY STRINGTABLE! NOW! 2 No Files (.)|.| 3 AutoBackup Set(*.abs)|*.abs| 103 All Files (*.*)|*.*| 104 Add File(s) 105 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 106 Date 107 Time 108 %s KB 109 %s KB Free on %c: 110 Unavailable 113 Displays a Tip of the Day 114 Ti&p of the Day... 115 Did you know... 116 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory 117 Trouble reading the tips file 118 &Help 122 Empty 123 Empty 124 0 Files 125 00% 128 TurboZIP\n\nZip\nZIP Files (*.zip)\n.Zip\nTurboZIP\nTurboZip File 130 Ready 142 157 TurboZIP 586 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 587 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 589 0123456789 1002 "%1" 1003 %1 %2 10006 Remo&ve Del 32771 Configure options for zipping and unzipping\nArchive Configuration 32774 Remove the selected item(s)\nRemove Selected Item(s) 32775 &Delete selected file(s) from the ZIP Archive Ctrl+Shift+Del 32776 Add file(s) to the current ZIP Archive\nAdd File(s) 32777 Extract selected file(s) from current Archive or E-mail\nExtract Selected File(s) 32778 Move 32779 Move to: 32781 Show Archives or E-mails properties\nZIP Properties 32782 Extract all files in current Archive or attached files in E-mail\nExtract All Files 32783 Configure extraction options\nConfigure Extraction Options 32787 Configure file inclusion and exclusion filters\nConfigure Filters 32788 Create a new document\nNew 32793 Create a new ZIP file, check Tools menu for creating other archives \nNew ZIP File 32797 Refresh ZIP Sets\nRefresh ZIP Sets 32798 Configure program options\nProgram Options 32800 Displays subfolder inside the Archives or E-mails\nShow Subfolders 32801 Remo&ve selected file(s) from the ZIP Set Del 32802 Delete the selected file\nDelete File 32804 Displays items by using large icons\nLarge Icons 32805 Displays items by using small icons\nSmall Icons 32806 Displays items in a list\nList 32807 Displays information about each item in the window\nDetails 32808 Opens the selected file with its associated program\nOpen File 32809 Auto Update the contents of the selected file\nAuto Update 32810 Auto Backup to the ZIP file\nAuto Backup 32811 Refresh the current selection\nRefresh 32812 Change / Setup ZIP Sets\nZIP Sets 32814 Arrange icons by name\nArrange By Name 32815 Arrange icons by type\nArrange By Type 32816 Arrange icons by original size\nArrange By Original Size 32817 Arrange icons by compressed size\nArrange By Compressed Size 32818 Arrange icons by date\nArrange By Date 32819 Arrange icons by compression ratio\nArrange By Compression Ratio 32820 Arrange icons by compression method\nArrange By Compression Method 32821 Arrange icons by read only attribute\nArrange By Read Only Attribute 32822 Arrange icons by hidden attribute\nArrange By Hidden Attribute 32823 Arrange icons by system attribute\nArrange By System Attribute 32824 Arrange icons by archive attribute\nArrange By Archive Attribute 32825 Arrange icons by encryption attribute\nArrange By Encryption Attribute 32826 Arrange icons by path attribute\nArrange By Path Attribute 32827 Arrange icons by long file name attribute\nArrange By Long File Name Attribute 32828 Arrange icons by CRC\nArrange By CRC 32830 Scan a drive or folder for Archives or E-mails. Use Configuration to define the scan types.\nAuto Scan Archives and E-mails 32831 Debug\nDebug 32833 View program statistics\nProgram Statistics 32834 Copy the selected file to another folder\nCopy File To... 32835 Move the selected file to another folder\nMove File To... 32836 Preview the selected file in the left preview pane\nPreview in Left Pane 32837 Find files within the selected files or ZIP Sets\nFind in Files 32838 Preview the selected file in the middle preview pane\nPreview in Middle Pane 32839 Preview the selected file in the right preview pane\nPreview in Right Pane 32840 Reposition all panes to default sizes\nReposition All Panes 32842 Play\nPlay 32843 Stop\nStop 32844 Pause\nPause 32845 File properties of the preview file\nFile Properties 32846 Maximize the size of this preview pane\nMaximize Preview Pane Size 32847 Zoom in\nZoom in 32848 Zoom out\nZoom out 32849 Return image to normal size\nNormal Size 32851 Copy the preview file to Clipboard\nCopy to Clipboard 32852 Arrange icons by path\nArrange By Path 32853 Recompress the selected ZIP file\nRecompress the Selected ZIP File 32854 Resize all List View column widths to default sizes\nResize Column Widths 32856 Create a new ZIP Set\nNew ZIP Set 32858 Repair the selected ZIP file\nRepair ZIP File 32859 Auto preview each selected file\nAuto Preview 32860 Make self-extracting program\nMake Self-Extracting EXE 32861 Go to TurboZIP Internet Home Page\nGo to TurboZIP Internet Home Page 32862 Print the preview text or image file\nPrint 32863 Print by Application\nPrint by Application 32864 Show found files\nShow Found Files 32865 Maximize left preview pane\nMaximize Left Pane 32866 Maximize middle preview pane\nMaximize Middle Pane 32867 Maximize right preview pane\nMaximize Right Pane 32870 Create new UU Encode file\nCreate UU Encode File 32872 Open existing archives and E-mails\nOpen File 32874 Scale the image to fit the preview window\nScale Image 32877 Show or hide the preview toolbar\nToggle Preview Toolbar 32879 Select all files in the right pane of file display\nSelect All 32905 Increase font size\nIncrease Font Size 32906 Decrease font size\nDecrease Font Size 32914 Show or hide View Toolbar\nToggle View Toolbar 32915 Show or hide the Tools Toolbar\nToggle Tools Toolbar 32916 Show or hide Preview Toolbar\nToggle Preview Toolbar 32917 Remove ZIP entries which are not present from the current ZIP Sets\nSync ZIP Set 32918 Shows or Hides TurboZIP\nShows or hides TurboZIP 32919 Close TurboZIP\nClose TurboZIP 32920 Maximize TurboZIP\nMaximize TurboZIP 32921 Add files using the Add Wizard\nAdd Wizard 32924 Quit the application\nExit 32931 Show or hide the Archive Toolbar\nToggle Archive Toolbar 32932 Display TurboZIP order information\nTurboZIP Order Infomation 32933 Display TurboZIP ReadMe File\nTurboZIP Welcome Page 32935 Options for preview, Auto Scan, association and icons\nProgram Options 32937 Extract files using the Extract Wizard\nExtract Wizard 32949 If the option is checked, TurboZIP will automatically reposition all panes to default sizes\nAuto Reposition Panes 57344 TurboZIP 57345 Ready 57602 Close the active document\nClose 57603 Save the active document\nSave 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program, version number and copyright information\nAbout 57665 Close the application window\nClose 57670 Display the table of contents for the help\nHelp Contents 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the File Toolbar\nToggle File Toolbar 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle Statusbar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61205 %lu%% 61210 TurboZIP 61215 Ready 61216 %s File(s) 61217 %s of 61220 Processing %s 61221 Extracting %s 61222 Adding 61223 %s KB 61224 Loading ZIP file or E-mail 61225 Adding File(s) to %s 61226 ZIP Files (*.zip)|*.zip| 61227 Removing %s 61228 %lu%% 61229 ZIP Files (*.zip)|*.Zip|Self-Extracting EXE Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Unix TAR Files (*.tar)|*.tar|Unix ZIP Files (*.z;*.gz;*.taz;*.tgz)|*.z;*.gz;*.taz;*.tgz|UU Encode Files (*.uue)|*.uue|MIME Files (*.mme;*.b64)|*.mme;*.b64|Mac BinHex Files (*.hqx;*.hex)|*.hqx;*.hex|Archive Files (*.zip;*.exe;*.tar;*.z;*.gz;*.taz;*.tgz)|*.zip;*.exe;*.tar;*.z;*.gz;*.taz;*.tgz|E-mails (*.uue;*.mme;*.b64;*.hqx;*.hex)|*.uue;*.mme;*.b64;*.hqx;*.hex|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 61230 Compressing %s 61231 File %lu 61232 %lu Done 61233 %1 cannot be created 61234 %1 cannot be opened 61235 Open File 61236 Create New File 61240 TurboZIP is busy. Please wait for the current operation to finish. 61243 The selected file does not exist 61244 The file %1 no longer exists 61245 TurboZIP is currently busy, and cannot quit while the current operation is in progress. To stop the current operation click the STOP button. 61246 Cannot create specified folder(s) 61248 Extract operation aborted by user 61249 The current ZIP file cannot be added to itself 61250 Select the default folder to add from 61252 Select the folder to extract to 61253 Select the temporary folder 61254 Unexpected end of ZIP file 61255 The structure of ZIP file %1 is invalid 61256 System Error: Out of memory 61257 ZIP file nolonger exists 61258 No file(s) to extract 61259 Save drive used as source and destination from a multi-volume ZIP file 61260 Extract error: ZIP file structure has changed, please reload the ZIP file and try again 61261 File could not be created 61262 ZIP file could not be opened 61263 Bad CRC, some file(s) could not be extracted 61264 Operation aborted 61265 Encrypted file(s) skipped 61266 Nonstandard compression method, file(s) could not be extracted 61267 Decryption code was incorrect 61268 Error U45 61269 Volume ID could not be extracted 61270 Error U47 61271 Operation canceled 61272 Error: Destination drive is full 61273 Error Z01 61274 Unexpected end of ZIP file 61275 ZIP file structure is invalid 61276 System Error: Out of memory 61277 Error Z5 61278 Entry too big to split 61279 Invalid ZIP file 61280 Operation aborted 61281 Temporary file failure 61282 File could not be read 61283 Nothing to ZIP 61284 ZIP file could not be written, disk may be full 61285 ZIP file could not be created 61286 Error Z16 61287 Operation could not be completed 61288 System Error: Disk not ready or hardware error 61289 Error Z20 61290 Error Z21 61291 Invalid Comment 61292 File no longer exists or no read permission 61293 TurboZIP - %1 - [ %2 61294 %1 [ %2 ] 61295 - No File Selected 61297 Are you sure you want to delete %1? 61298 Are you sure you want to remove the selected file(s)? 61299 Only one file can be opened. 61301 No temporary directory is specified in program options. 61302 - Present 61303 - Not Present 61304 TurboZIP - Busy 61309 Auto Backup complete. 61310 TurboZIP will automatically backup the following files to %1. 61311 %1%2 ] 61312 The default ZIP Set cannot be removed; however, its contents have been removed. 61313 No ZIP Set has been selected. 61314 The current ZIP Set has been deleted, please open another ZIP Set. 61315 %s Scanned 61316 %1%2 - ZIP File Information 61317 Structure OK 61318 Structure BAD 61319 Backup More 61320 The specified folder %1 does not exist. 61321 The specified path %1 exists as a file. 61323 Op&en with... 61324 Extract 61325 Select the Folder for Auto Scan 61326 The specified encryption code is too long. The maximum is 65 characters. 61327 Enter the decryption code for %1 61328 File(s) skipped due to extract options or user cancel 61329 TurboZIP will create a Multi-Volume ZIP file on drive %1 with the following options: 61330 Moving File 61331 Copying File 61332 Thou art over thy limit. 61333 Thou hast created a problem. 61334 Reminder: This copy of TurboZIP will expire soon. Ordering information is available in the help menu. This is the only reminder you will see. 61335 %1 cannot be renamed to %2.\n\nReminder: A file or a ZIP Set name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n \ / : * ? " < > | 61336 You must type a filename. 61337 Rename 61339 Enter the path of the temporary folder here. 61340 Browse for the temporary folder. 61341 Click to associate Archive and E-mail files with TurboZIP. 61342 Click to create TurboZIP icon on the Start Menu. 61343 Click to create a TurboZIP icon on the Desktop. 61345 Automatically reposition panes when window size changes. 61346 This folder is used to store temporary data during the zip process. 61347 Accept any changed options. 61348 Discard any changed options 61349 Store long file names. 61350 Include files in subfolders (recursive). 61351 Store full path information. 61352 Save path data of subfolders only. 61353 Create multi-volume ZIP file on removable media. 61354 Move files into the ZIP file. 61355 Zip only the files after the specified date. 61356 Click Browse to select the folder to add files from. 61357 Enter the desired compression level - 0 = none, 9 = highest. 61358 Enter the month to add after here. 61359 Enter the day to add after here. 61360 Enter the year to add after. 61361 Click to choose among Add, Update, and Freshen. 61362 Check to "grow" the ZIP file. Use with extreme CAUTION! 61363 Click to browse for the default add folder. 61364 Click to accept any changed options. 61365 Click to discard any changed options. 61366 Click to increase / decrease the compression level. 61367 Click to change the month. 61368 Click to change the day. 61369 Click to change the year. 61370 Check to automatically preview the selected file. 61371 Check to restore the stored folders when extracting. 61372 Check to "shorten" long file names. 61373 Check to skip the extraction of files with long file names. 61374 Select to overwrite all existing files without confirmation. 61375 Select to never overwrite existing files. 61376 Select to only overwrite older files. 61377 Select to be prompted when a matching file exists. 61378 Click to accept any changed options. 61379 Click to discard any changed options. 61380 Click to create a new ZIP Set. 61381 Click to remove the selected ZIP Set. No files are deleted. 61382 Click to set the selected ZIP Set as the default ZIP Set. 61383 Click to remove the selected file(s). No files are deleted. 61384 Click to open the selected ZIP Set. 61385 Click to return to the current ZIP Set. 61386 This is a list of all the ZIP Sets on this computer. 61387 This is a list of all the files within the selected ZIP Set. 61388 This is a list of the default and current ZIP Set(s). 61389 Update 61390 Freshen 61391 Add 61392 Select to use the exclusion filter. 61393 Select to use the inclusion filter. 61394 Use ';' or space (if it is not long file name) to separate multiple entries. 61395 Use ';' or space (if it is not long file name) to separate multiple entries. 61396 Check to enable filtering. 61397 Click to accept changed options. 61398 Click to discard changed options. 61399 Click to close the "Tip of the Day". 61400 This is the Tip of the Day. 61401 Click to show the next tip. 61402 Press down to show the Tip of the Day automatically. 61403 This is a list of all your Auto Backup Sets. 61404 Skip over the locked or currently in use files. 61405 Select to overwrite all existing files without confirmation. 61406 Click to remove selected Auto Backup Sets from the list. 61407 Click to select the Auto Backup Set selected above. 61408 Click to leave without selecting an Auto Backup Set. 61409 Select to never overwrite existing files. 61410 Select to only overwrite older files. 61411 Preview - %1 [ %2 ] 61412 Copy %1 to: 61413 Move %1 to: 61414 Pane1 61415 Pane2 61416 Pane3 61417 System Error: Cannot allocate memory 61418 Error 61419 File name 61420 Attribute 61421 Value 61422 File Type 61423 Unknown 61424 Device Independant Bitmap 61425 GIF 61426 Image Height 61427 Image Width 61428 Colors 61429 ASCII or RTF text 61430 Displays information on the file currently being previewed. 61431 Close the Preview Properties dialog box. 61432 Left Preview Window Properties 61433 Middle Preview Window Properties 61434 Right Preview Window Properties 61435 Scaled Image Width 61436 Scaled Image Height 61437 JPEG 61438 Copy to 61439 Copy 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels 65000 PCX 65001 TIFF 65012 Click to close the 'About' dialog box. 65013 Targa 65014 Text 65015 Ami Pro 65016 Microsoft Word 65017 Word Perfect 65018 Windows Write 65019 Microsoft Works Document 65020 HTML 65021 PostScript 65022 Windows Metafile 65023 AVI Movie Clip 65024 Wave Sound 65025 MIDI Sequence 65026 User 65027 User Name 65028 Company Name 65029 System Error: Read size difference 65030 Add 65031 Add More 65032 No More 65033 Error reading file 65034 Scanning 65035 Name 65036 Ext 65037 Size 65038 Comp Size 65039 Modified 65040 Method 65041 Folder 65042 Shrunk 65043 Reduced 65044 Reduced 65045 Reduced 65046 Reduced 65047 Imploded 65048 Tokenized 65049 Deflated 65050 Uncompressed 65051 System Error: Common Controls Ins Error 65052 No Files Selected 65053 Empty file 65054 System Error: Common Controls error 65055 Removing 65056 Error: File cannot be removed 65057 Default 65058 Current 65059 Remo&ve ZIP Set Del 65060 The ZIP Set %1 cannot be created 65061 Are you sure you want to remove this ZIP Set? 65062 This ZIP Archive cannot be recompressed because its structure of ZIP Archive is invalid. 65063 This ZIP Archive cannot be recompressed because there are no files in it. 65064 Property 65065 Value 65066 Archive Name 65067 Archive Location 65068 Associated Info File Location 65069 Associated Info File Name 65070 UnCompressed File Size 65071 Compressed File Size 65072 Compression Ratio 65073 Number of Files in Archive 65074 Modified Date 65075 Creation Date 65076 Last Accessed Date 65077 ZIP 65078 Click to close this dialog box. 65079 This is a list of the properties of the selected file. 65080 Add on Drag and Drop. 65081 There is no file list to save. 65082 Scanning for files to add... 65083 Preparing to add files... 65084 There are no files to compress. 65085 There is no destination. 65086 Add Files from Other Program 65087 Add Files from Drag And Drop 65088 Enter the name of the ZIP Archive. 65089 Click to browse for a ZIP Archive. 65090 Check to enable file encryption. 65091 Enter the encryption code here (Maximum length: 65 characters). 65092 Click to browse for files to add. You can also enter wildcards in the dialog. 65093 Click to remove selected files from the list of files to compress. 65094 Click to save the compression list as a AutoBackup Set. 65095 Click to load an AutoBackup Set. 65096 Use 'Delete' key to remove the unwanted items for compression. 65097 Click to change compression options. 65098 Click to change file filtering options. 65099 Click to add the files in the compression list to the ZIP file. 65100 Click to cancel adding files. 65101 System Error: Memory could not be allocated. 65102 Compression has been canceled. 65103 File %s of %s 65104 Extracting Files From 65105 File %s of %s 65106 Recompressing 65107 This item cannot be renamed. 65108 The comment was successfully set. 65109 Click to set the ZIP file's comment. 65110 This is the ZIP file's comment or textual part of E-mail. 65111 Skipping %s (because of long file name) 65112 Removing Files from %s 65113 File %s of %s 65114 Removing has been canceled. 65115 Click to browse for files to backup. You can also enter wildcards in the dialog. 65116 WindowsEnhanced Metafile 65117 %H Hours, %M Minutes, %S Seconds 65118 Total Time: 65119 OK 65120 File extraction has been completed. 65121 File compression has been completed. 65122 File recompression has been completed. 65123 File removal has been completed. 65124 %1!i! files processed at %2 files per second. 65125 Archive Configuration 65126 Browse for destionation folder 65127 All files will be extracted 65128 Extract all files from %1 65129 Enter the destination folder here. 65130 Click to browse for the destination folder. 65131 Check to enable decryption codes. 65132 Enter the decryption codes. 65133 Click to remove files from the extraction list below. 65134 Use 'Delete' key to remove the unwanted items for extraction. 65135 Click to configure options. 65136 Click to extract the files listed above. 65137 Click to cancel extraction. 65138 There are no files in the extraction list. 65139 Browse for default destination folder 65140 The comment for this file cannot be changed. 65141 The comment for this file cannot be set. 65142 Letter 65143 Printing: 65144 Draft 65145 Page: %d 65146 Image 65147 Sheet: %d 65148 Date: 65149 File name: 65150 Enabled options 65151 Store long file names 65152 Recurse sub folders 65153 Store path information 65154 Store partial path information 65155 Create multi-volume ZIP on removable media 65156 Move files into ZIP **Warning: This deletes the original files** 65157 Grow ZIP file **Warning: The ZIP file will be damaged if compression is interrupted** 65158 Add files modified after %s 65159 Compression level: 65160 Add method: freshen existing files 65161 Add method: update ZIP file 65162 Add method: add 65163 Exclude only matching files %s 65164 Include only matching files %s 65165 Add all selected files. 65166 Add only new files and update existing files. 65167 Update existing files only. 65168 Click to set current options as the default options. 65169 "http://www.turbozip.com/" 65170 Browse for destination folder. 65171 Error: The self-extracting file could not be created. 65172 Self-extracting file %s created 65173 Find 65174 Scope 65175 File Type 65176 Size 65177 Date 65178 Attributes 65179 Content 65180 Match whole word 65181 Case sensitive 65182 Exact match 65183 Comments/E-mails 65184 MB 65185 KB 65186 bytes 65187 Above 65188 Below 65189 Exact 65190 Between 65191 and 65192 Read Only 65193 System 65194 Archive 65195 Hidden 65196 No files in the ZIP Set 65197 All attributes 65198 All sizes 65199 All dates 65200 None 65201 Current file 65202 Current ZIP Set 65203 All ZIP Sets 65204 TRUE 65205 FALSE 65206 No file is selected. 65207 Criteria 65208 GB 65209 Archive or E-mail File Name 65210 Find Results 65211 Cancel 65212 Close 65213 System error! 65214 Fail to decode UU encode file! 65215 Enter the UUE file name here. 65216 Browse for the UUE file name. 65217 Type in the messages. 65218 Enter the attach file name. 65219 Browse for the Attach file name. 65220 Click to create the UUE file. 65221 Click to cancel creating of UUE file. 65222 Uue Files (*.Uue)|*.Uue| 65223 Get File Name 65224 Get UU Encode File Name 65225 Click to include files with any attributes 65226 Click to include the files with the selected attributes 65227 Click to include the system files. 65228 Click to include the read-only files. 65229 Click to include the hidden files. 65230 Click to include the archive files 65231 Specifies the search text or the regular expression to match. 65232 Click to match text strings only if they are words. 65233 Click to find only text strings that match the case of the specified string. 65234 Click to search the ZIP Comments or textual parts of E-mails only. 65235 Click to match text strings by allowing errors. 65236 Click to match text strings exactly. 65237 Click to include files with any file dates. 65238 Click to include files with dates between the specified dates. 65239 Enter the month for the beginning of a range of dates. 65240 Enter the day of the month for the beginning of a range of dates. 65241 Enter the year for the beginning of a range of dates. 65242 Enter the month for the end of a range of dates. 65243 Enter the day of the month for the end of a range of dates. 65244 Enter the year for the end of a range of dates. 65245 Enter the type of file which determined by file extension. 65246 Click to search only the current file. 65247 Click to search only the current ZIP Set. 65248 Click to search all ZIP Sets. 65249 Click to include files with any file sizes. 65250 Click to include files with file sizes in the specified range. 65251 Enter file size in the specified unit. 65252 Click to select the unit of file size. 65253 Click to include files with file sizes equal to the specified size. 65254 Windows Clipboard 65255 Click to include files with file sizes larger than the specified size. 65256 Click to include files with file sizes smaller than the specified size. 65257 This is the list of files which satisfied the criteria. 65258 This is the list of specified criteria. 65259 Click to preview the selected file in left Preview Pane. 65260 Click to preview the selected file in middle Preview Pane. 65261 Click to preview the selected file in right Preview Pane. 65262 Click to extract the selected file(s). 65263 Close the Window or cancel the find operation. 65264 Enter number of lines per page (1-100). 65265 Enter font size (6-72). 65266 Enter or select the number of spaces for each Tab. 65267 Select draft output for faster output but without any print options. 65268 The list contains the available fixed pitch True Type Fonts. 65269 Click to print outlines. 65270 Click to print file name, date, and page number. 65271 Enter number of pages to be printed. 65272 Click to setup printer's driver. 65273 Click to select letter size paper. 65274 Click to select A4 size paper. 65275 Click to print Portrait. 65276 Click to print Lanscape. 65277 Click to print two pages in one Landscape sheet of paper. 65278 Click to start printing. 65279 Click to cancel printing. 65280 Click to print image to fit the page and keep the aspect ratio. 65281 Stretch image to fit the page without keeping the aspect ratio. 65282 Click to print image to the area defined by the margins. 65283 Click to stretch original image points by the scaling factors. 65284 Enter margin in inches for the top of print area. 65285 Enter margin in inches for the bottom of print area. 65286 Enter margin in inches for the left of print area. 65287 Enter margin in inches for the right of print area. 65288 Enter scaling factor in x-axis (printing pts = scale * pixels). 65289 Enter scaling factor in y-axis (printing pts = scale * pixels). 65290 Enter the file types for auto scan. Use ';' to separate multiple entries. 65291 Enter the self-extracting file name. (Required) 65292 Browse for the self-extracting file name. 65293 Select the program to be run after extracting all files. (Optional) 65294 Click to make the self-extracting file. 65295 Cancel this opertion. 65296 Skip over the locked or in use files 65297 Windows Icon 65298 Fail to decode MIME file! 65299 Use ActiveMovie to play AVI files. It is slow at start. 65300 Use Active X to view MS Word in WYSIWYG. 65301 Enter file extension for the extracted file if that is what you want. 65302 Fail to decode Unix zip file! 65303 Fail to process Unix TAR file! 65304 Fail to expand Windows compressed file! 65305 Fail to extract data fork of Mac BinHex file! 65306 UU Encode 65307 MIME 65308 Mac BinHex 65309 Windows Compressed File 65310 Unix ZIP 65311 Unix TAR 65312 &Delete Ctrl+Shift+Del 65313 &Delete ZIP File Ctrl+Shift+Del 65314 Auto Backup 65315 Files to backup 65316 Backup 65317 Select or Create Auto Backup File 65318 Select Auto Backup File 65319 Click to check the ZIP association when starting TurboZIP. 65320 True Type Font 65321 Use Active X to view HTML files in WYSIWYG. 65322 Save the Auto Backup Set %s? 65323 Auto Backup: %s 65324 Overwrite: prompted when a matching file exists 65325 Overwrite: overwrite existing files without confirmation 65326 Overwrite: never overwrite existing files 65327 Overwrite: only overwrite older files 65328 Shorten long file names 65329 Skip the extraction of files with long file names 65330 Restore the stored folders 65331 Show Window 65332 Hide Window 65333 Common Control Creation Error 65334 Scanning for Archives and E-mails in 65335 in 65336 Scanning file %lu of %lu in %s: %s 65337 %s archives processed of %s files scanned. 65338 Add Files Wizard 65339 Add files to: %s 65340 Encryption code: %s 65341 Comment: %s 65342 &Add Here 65343 The default ZIP Set cannot be removed. 65344 Add list: %s 65345 Windows Animated Cursor 65346 Windows Cursor 65347 Files 65348 Use 'Configure' to change the compression options. 65349 Use 'Configure' to change the extraction options. 65350 Enter the folder for the TurboZIP to search the specified file types. 65351 Click to select the folder for TurboZIP to search the specified file types. 65352 Click to start the scan. The scan can be stopped at any time. 65353 Cancel this opertion. 65354 Do you want to start Auto Scan now? If you click 'Yes', the Auto Scan dialog box allows you to choose a folder and the file types for TurboZIP to look in. 65355 Click the file type to add in the list on the left. 65356 There are path information stored in the ZIP file. Do you want to restore the path when extracting files? 65357 Type or paste in your personal message. 65358 The contents of the selected file will be diaplayed in the Extract dialog box. 65359 Use 'Delete' key to remove the unwanted items for backup. 65360 Click to enter the path and Auto Backup Set name. 65361 Get the folder name for the Auto Backup Set. 65362 Enter the Auto Backup Set name (Do not put any folder information here.) 65363 Enter the complete path information for the new Auto Backup Set. 65364 Create the new Auto Backup Set. 65365 Cancel to create the new Auto Backup Set. 65366 Select Folder for the Auto Backup Set 65367 Click to backup the files in the compression list to the ZIP file. 65368 Click to cancel backup files. 65369 Program Options 65370 Extract Files Wizard 65371 Self-extracting Files (*.Exe)|*.Exe| 65372 No destination folder! 65373 Click to make Extract Wizard as default extract tool. 65374 Click to make Add Wizard as default add tool. 65375 No viewer available 65376 File types or search folder is missing. 65377 UUE file %s is created. 65378 Are you sure you want to delete these %1 items? 65379 C:\My Documents 65380 The file %1 exists. Do you want to overwrite it? 65381 Error: The UUE file could not be created. 65382 Error: The %1 file could not be deleted. 65383 General 65384 TurboZIP - BUSY 65385 %s - File '%s' (%lu Found) 65386 %s - Zip Set '%s' (%lu Found) 65387 %s - All Zip Sets (%lu Found)